Meet us

Meet us :

Time: 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month, 7-9 PM


捷運古亭站七號出口-- 華漢教室

6F., No.70, Sec. 2, Roosevelt Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 10084, Taiwan 台北市中正區羅斯福路2段70號6樓)

April 17, 2009

2009/05/24 Grand Summer Outing!

Dear members,

We are planning for an outing event for this year to celebrate the beginning of summer! Current plan is to set up an one day tour on 5/24. We have established an initial plan for touring schedule, dining options, cost, transportation, etc. For more details please contact Carrie.

We will send out further notification to all participants when details are decided.Simply bring your family and friends, and let's hang out and have fun!

(This public announcement is brought to you by Grand Toastmasters, conditions and/or restrictions may apply.....J/K..)

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